When I’m very tired, like I am now, I always have the weirdest dreams. Last night’s was a doozy…
It started out with some sort of surreal living situation with my latest celeb crush, James McAvoy (sigh). In my dream, though, like in real life I suppose, he was a small guy, slightly taller than me—which was/is kind of disappointing… But what a dreamboat.

Funny aside: As I was looking for a picture of hottie McAvoy, I came across a Korean chick’s blog about her crush on him. What is it about delicate-featured, pasty-faced, blue-eyed white boys with foreign accents that Asian chicks seem to dig? (Although I think the attraction goes both ways…)
Anyway, back to my dream! So it switched from me having a rather depressing relationship with James McAvoy into me being picked to be the surrogate mother to Tom Cruise (speaking of short actors) and Katie Holmes‘ next Scientology baby.

And if that wasn’t weird enough… It actually got to the point where I was in this sterile room, all prepped to be implanted, when Tom Cruise comes in himself with a giant needle to impregnate me. (Right, I get that, Freud.) But instead of putting the needle anywhere near my lady parts, Tom proceeds to stick this giant syringe in my left foot—which hurt like hell, btw. So ta-da! I was impregnated with (get this) 30 embryos in my left foot. They wanted to make sure the pregnancy would take. Of course, I’m thinking it would have taken a lot better if they’d actually put the embryos in my uterus. So I leave the Scientology/IVF office with what is now a swollen, ENORMOUS, ogre-like foot filled with Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes’ 30 possible future babies.
So is that the weirdest dream ever or what? I’m not even going to begin to analyze that one, but I felt that I should blog about it because it was so strange.
Clearly, I need to get more sleep.