LIFE'S CRAVINGS....because everyone wants something more out of life...

There is so much to see / hear / taste / touch / sense / write / draw / dance / play / love / do / be

Sunday, May 25, 2008

My Lesser-known Hobby

I could stand in the greeting cards section for hours opening up cards and reading on...and on...and on...Seriously. Hands down, the most hilarious card I have ever gotten was made by John Callahan, a quadriplegic with an exceptionally unique and outrageous sense of humour. It had a picture of an Italian dude singing one of my all-time favorite songs, "Moonriver", while rowing a gondola. His passengers, a touristey-looking couple, were looking at the hairy butts sticking out from the surface of the river. Hahahahaha. Get it? It never fails to get me cracking...
And if you're lucky you just might run into a card whose words get you...thinking. In my most recent trip to the bookstore, I read one such card written by Renee Duvall for Hallmark. I bought it and stuck it above my study table, right beside my copy of Desiderata.
It reads:

" It happens like this --

you're going along,
living your life,
and everything's splendid.
(Lah-de-dah, lah-de-dah, lah-de-dah...OUCH!)
You hop around like a MANIAC
on your good foot,
holding what is now
your bad foot in your hands.
BUT...will your toe always hurt?
Does the OUCH part
take away any of the
Will you stub your toe again?
Will you go humming merrily
on your way again?
That's the beauty
of impermanence.
It happens like that."

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