LIFE'S CRAVINGS....because everyone wants something more out of life...

There is so much to see / hear / taste / touch / sense / write / draw / dance / play / love / do / be

Friday, March 6, 2015


Dude: Can you cook?
Me: Yes. Why do you ask?
Dude: Because it's a big requirement. I want my woman to cook for me.
Me: How much do you make annually? Also, can you build a house?
Dude: WHAAAATTTT?! Isn't it a little invasive to ask how much I make? And why on earth would I know how to build a house? ...
Me: Well, it's a big requirement. I want my man to pay for my bills and build me a house. Then I can make him casseroles and shit.

Though the world has come this far when it comes to feminism, I have to say that we still have a long way to go. SMH.

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